Cats are inspite an adorable animal to adopt and keep. They are playful, cuddly, cute and very furry. But what is the most common mistakes that people make when adopting a cat is based on looks rather then its personality.
Like humans every cat has a different personality and so it is important to be sure about personality of the furry pal you are considering to make a part of your family. For instance if you have children or other pets it is important to know that the cat you are considering to adopt will get along well with them or not. Sheltering volunteers and staff interact with the cats daily so ask for their opinion to help you make an informed decision.
Then there comes the age! Choosing between kittens and adult cats can be confusing. We all know kittens are cute and can be lots of fun. But they also require a lot of your time and supervision, so before adopting be sure that you can afford to give this much time to your cat. Incase you decide that a kitten is right for your family. Consider adopting two together. This way they can make great play mates and provide lots of entertainment and companionship for each other.
Ofcourse while most people are immediately drawn to kittens, adopting an adult cat is wiser decision to make as they are typically less active making it easier to meet their size and play time needs. Most adult cats are already familiar with the family life, plus they can bond with you just as quickly as the other kittens if not quicker. For more help you can always contact The Animal's Kingdom - Best Pet Sitters Phoenix, to help you make the right decision.
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